Corona: Miles Away from Ordinary

Corona: Miles Away From Ordinary. Momentum and mean-reversion. Palladium: Supply, demand and the apocalypse Last week due to upcoming travel plans and news coverage of all varieties, our minds were mostly occupied by the spread of the Coronavirus miles away from ordinary. While we are still looking for the perfect solution to protect ourselves from [...]

By |2020-12-04T11:20:41+01:00February 9th, 2020|Blog Post|0 Comments

Don’t Drink the Hand Sanitizer. The Perfect Excuse for a Due Diligence on Wine

Don’t drink the hand sanitizer. The perfect excuse for a due-diligence on wine. Brexit eve, the better Christmas. Back in the office after travels in Asia and conferences in Barcelona and Miami. No, we did not catch Corona virus, even though Wuhan noodle soup sounds like a delicious treat. After the recent news about [...]

By |2020-12-04T11:22:05+01:00February 1st, 2020|Blog Post|0 Comments
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