Principles of Great Traders, authored by George Coyle

Here’s a book and reading recommendation for the coming weekend. It’s for George Coyle’s book “Principles of Great Traders” which you can download for free here:

George is a friend and has done a fantastic job researching and summarizing the core tenets of some of the world’s most successful traders. Rather than zooming in on what securities these traders buy or sell, George focuses on the “how” of trading. What methods do they use? What do they have in common, and where do they differ? George breaks this down into: Entering and exiting trades, cutting losses, riding winners, managing emotions, and controlling position sizes (among others).

I think this is a really interesting and useful book for anyone interested in trading the markets. I also enjoyed Ed Seykota’s poem-style foreword.

Here’s the testimonial which I was honored to write for the book:

“What drives trading success? Do specific principles exist? What withstands the test of time? In this book George Coyle provides a shortcut to answering these questions by zeroing in on the key take-aways from the world’s most successful traders using their own words based on his life-long research. Combined with George’s writing skill, the result is relevant and enjoyable reading for existing and prospective traders alike.” –Moritz Seibert

More of George’s work will be shared on soon. You can subscribe for updates here.

In the meantime, here is a picture of George so you know who you are dealing with!