Real Vision: Bitcoin & the Economics of Mining

Marco Krohn, CEO and co-founder of Genesis Group, and Marco Streng, founder of Genesis group, join Moritz Seibert, co-founder at & CEO/CIO at Munich RE Investment Partners, to discuss Bitcoin, Bitcoin mining, and the changing dynamics of mining. Krohn explains how they first got into Bitcoin and how they turned their interest in crypto [...]

By |2021-02-24T13:59:59+01:00November 18th, 2020|Video|0 Comments

Real Vision: The Secrets of “Unknown Market Wizards”

Jack Schwager, co-founder of FundSeeder and author of the "Market Wizards" series, joins Moritz Seibert, CEO and CIO of Munich Re Investment Partners, to give a glimpse into the heads of the world’s best investors. Through the lens of his latest book, "Unknown Market Wizards: The Best Traders You’ve Never Heard Of," Schwager finds his [...]

By |2021-02-24T14:01:06+01:00November 8th, 2020|Video|0 Comments

The Fiscal and Monetary Response to COVID

This is an excerpt from our Monthly Macro View. If you'd like to have full access to our Monthly Marco View, please have a look at our subscription options. Thursday's ECB meeting hinted at more monetary stimulus in light of a growing rate of COVID infections and increasing restrictions as well as lockdowns across Europe. [...]

By |2021-02-06T19:12:03+01:00November 1st, 2020|Macro|0 Comments
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